How Multi Media Uses Meal Benefits to Create a Stellar Employee Experience 




  1. Why Multi Media, the leading provider of live streaming video solutions and engaging community forums, leverages Sharebite Passport to give employees the most flexible meal benefit.
  2. How receiving a meal allowance helps Multi Media’s employees save costs and put food on the table.
  3. How Sharebite enables Multi Media’s employees to give back to their local community with one-for-one meal donations.

Boosting Morale With Meals

From offering unlimited PTO and flexible work schedules to launching employee appreciation programs, Multi Media prides itself on creating a top-notch employee experience. But there is one benefit in particular that consistently gets its employees into the office with smiles on their faces: free food.

Multi Media partners with Sharebite to feed its employees on a weekly basis. To give employees the ultimate flexibility for how to use their meal benefit, Multi Media utilizes Sharebite Passport – a portable meal allowance accepted at nearly all dining establishments and food delivery services.
"Offering Sharebite has boosted employee morale at Multi Media,” explained Alexa White, Benefits Administration. “Not only do employees receive ‘lunch on us‘, they can choose to use Sharebite in a way that benefits them most – whether that means ordering lunch at the office, stopping for their favorite morning coffee, or shopping for their groceries to cook at home.”

Since bringing Sharebite on board, Alexa and the rest of Multi Media’s HR team have seen first-hand how it impacts their organization.

"Sharebite has been an extremely valuable benefit for our company,” expressed HR Generalist, Amanda Lipscomb. “Our employees are so grateful to have extra money each week to purchase lunch, dinner, or groceries, and everyone loves the community outreach aspect of Sharebite's charity component. As a company administrator, I have had nothing but positive experiences with the Sharebite team. Everyone I speak with is professional and extremely quick in responding and solving issues. I am so happy that we decided to partner with Sharebite and look forward to our continued work together."

To take an even closer look at Multi Media’s experience, we chatted with the people who use Sharebite the most: its employees.

95% of Multi Media’s workforce actively uses their Passport – making Sharebite one of the company’s most used benefits.

Putting Food on the Table

Some may think meal benefits are a “nice-to-have”, but Multi Media’s employees beg to differ. Of course, receiving free lunch at work helps boost morale and productivity – which is extremely important — but it also saves employees the cost of having to buy their lunch themselves.

“The credit given to me through my employer really helps me put food on the table during this inflation and rough economy,” shared Sr. Manager, Tyrell Wiggins. 

Having flexibility for where they can spend their Passport allowance also enables Multi Media’s employees to buy the exact food they want and need. 

“Sharebite is an amazing benefit that my company offers,” explained Software Test Engineer, Cathy Ordenes. “It allows me to quickly and conveniently pay for my meal or have one delivered. If I am in the mood to cook something, there is also the option to use my card at the local grocery store. These are great time and money saving benefits!”

Giving Back, One Meal at a Time

A huge part of Multi Media’s culture is giving back to the community – which is why Sharebite’s mission to alleviate food insecurity hits home for its employees. Every time they use their Sharebite Passport, Multi Media's employees help donate a meal to someone in need through Feeding America® and City Harvest.

“What I love most of all about Sharebite is that other people benefit from it as well,” added Cathy. “Each time I order a meal, a meal donation is made to help combat food insecurity in my local community. I definitely feel that I am making the world a better place each time I use my Sharebite card!”

”Since Multi Media began using Sharebite, we have donated over 100,000 meals to those in need. It’s a benefit for everyone!" – Alexa White, Benefits Administration

Making Meal Benefits a Win-Win-Win

According to Multi Media’s employees, Sharebite checks off all of the boxes and more when it comes to corporate meal benefits.

"Sharebite is a convenient and unique benefit – the best office perk – that can be used weekly for groceries, dining, and any other food expenses,” explained Software Engineer,  Akshay Shinde. “It offers an extensive network of participating establishments, easy-to-use features, and gives back to the community by supporting local food programs, thus making it a valuable tool for optimizing everyday expenses while making a positive impact."

"Sharebite is a unique and easy-to-use benefit that I can use anytime and every week,” agreed an anonymous Multi Media employee. “Groceries, dining, and coffee are all expenses that I've paid for regularly, so having Sharebite in my wallet is something I can appreciate every day."

To wrap it up, another employee shared, “I think everybody wins with Sharebite because everyone benefits from the whole process. Meals get donated, food service workers get paid, and us employees get our food! It's a win-win-win situation.“

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